On the darkest of autumn nights as the fire crackles and the candles burn, the incense smolders, your guests bask in the glow of heat that emanates from your hearth, the cognac flows freely adding to the cozy ambiance as you all chat idly, your musings turn to the darker realms of the occult and the supernatural, stories begin to unfold, your turn comes and with a glint in your eye you retell of a lost heritage of spirit raising, the enigmatic tarot, a legacy of foreboding and ancient curses, your hand reaches out into the gloom to re emerge with a dusty old bag, a bag of mystery, containing fragments of a long past era, as you slowly and gingerly open the folds, the stories of spectral encounters begin to unfold as everyone huddles closer amidst the shadows of the flickering candlelight, your tales begin ***** A timely collection of deeply esoteric tarot mysteries, for the bizarre connoisseur.
This unique collection contains a macabre history, tales and tarot lore allowing for a whole evening of psychic revelation, spirit raising, seance and “Things that go bump”.
Among it’’s uncanny features you will find a tarnished hunter pocket watch, aged letters and victorian penny, in a corduroy bag (large enough to carry your tarot pack in also) alongside a booklet featuring a select collection of ten unique routines (Witching hour, Timely Revelation, Synchronicity, Enlightenment, Arcane Psychometry, Deathwatch, Tarotmatic, Arcane Seance, Penny oracle & Celestial traveller) ****
for use in parlour, or close up, using your own favourite, regular tarot pack.
For the lover of true bizarre. Add this unique piece of strange to your sordid arsenal today !